Choosing the right web hosting provider is very essential to build an online presence. For that, you need to publish your website on a reliable hosting provider and Hostinger is one of those. So, now if you are thinking about how to upload a website on Hostinger then we will help you out.
Whether you have a small or a big e-commerce website, you can easily publish a website on Hostinger.
Easy Steps To Upload Website On Hostinger
- Before you start make sure that you are having Hostinger hosting plan. Use the hosting plan that best suits you.
- Now after that, you have the one, login into your Hostinger hPanel.
- Once you logged in, you will get a lot of sections to manage your website.
- Under the Hosting section, click on Manage and then search for File Manager after scrolling down a little bit.
- Click on the domains and then you will see your site domain file > public.html and then select all the files and click on delete.
Now it’s time to upload the website.
- From the top right click on the upload button.
- Make sure to compress all the files into one folder and then upload that file.
- Once uploaded select that zipped file to extract it and then delete the zipped file.
- Select all the files and then click on Move to change the destination.
- From the destination path, click on Change and then select public.html file.
- Once done click on move. Now go back to the public.html file and select the file that you have moved to delete it as it has nothing inside.
Congratulations you have successfully uploaded your website on Hostinger using hPanel.
Can You Build a Website On Hostinger?
To get started you need to choose a hosting plan from Hostinger according to your website. After you have selected the plan for your website you need to upload a website on Hostinger.
You can also install WordPress on Hostinger with hPanel to start building your website. Select from any of the WordPress themes and some of the relevant plugins that you want.
How much does it cost to host a website on Hostinger?
Hostinger offers different types of hosting plans to the users. Starting from only $1.39/month to 3.99/month for shared hosting. It is best for small and medium-sized websites.
Hostinger also has Cloud hosting, WordPress hosting, cPanel hosting, VPS hosting, Minecraft hosting. It has everything according to the need of the business and business.